Last month, 32-senior staff from the Lyceum of the Philippines University (LPU) campus in Laguna visited Taylor's University as part of a benchmarking trip. They were given a full-day of presentations by a variety of Taylor's staff that focused on various initiatives such as our SHINE second transcript, our approach to blended learning by INTELLECT, as well how we Benchmark the Student Experience using i-graduate data. But one of the main areas of interest behind their trip to Kuala Lumpur was to get a better understanding of the Taylor's University's approach to 'internationalisation'. Sadly Dr. Perry Hobson, who is the PVC for Global Engagement, was away at the time of their visit - as he was attending the Australian International Education Conference (AIEC) in Adelaide.

LPU-Laguna extended an invitation to him to come over for a reciprocal visit to the Philippines. Given the warm Malaysian hospitality that has been shown by Taylor's University to our guests from LPU-Laguna, our Filipino friends put on an outrageous welcome that included over a thousand students waving both Taylor's University and LPU flags – and which was then followed by a formal dance routine, a choir and a 'flash mob'.

Dr. Perry Hobson, said "I admit that I am rarely at a loss for words - but on this occasion they managed to leave me speechless!” He spent the morning with senior staff from LPU-Laguna, explaining the various stages that Taylor's had gone through in the development of the Taylor's "Global Strategic Plan & Framework". Then in the afternoon, he delivered a Guest Lecture to some 300 students on "Thinking Outside the Box – The Need for Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism". To learn more about the Taylor's University Global Strategy click here.