Global Ambassadors are student leaders who assist the University to receive international exchange students, short mobility participants and overseas visitors to the Lakeside campus. As one of our “internationalisation-at-home" initiatives, the Taylor's University Global Ambassadors not only get to know and work with international students, but are given the opportunity to meet and greet important visitors to the campus - such as High Commissioners and Ambassadors as well as Presidents and Vice-Chancellors from overseas universities. With the motto “We Get You Global” these students undergo a selection process and then receiving best-practice training about how to engage with foreign students and overseas visitors and dignitaries.

The Global Ambassadors (GAs) recently responded to a request to assist those impacted by the massive floods in peninsular Malaysia in 2014-15, and our GAs responded to a more local request from the Ministry of Education (MoE) for help in the reconstruction of the facilities in a local school. The Ministry initiated a programme called “Program Sekolah Angkat dan Psiko-Sosial Pasca Banjir KPM” and Taylor’s University was asked to adopt Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Clifford, which is in Kuala Lipis, in the state of Pahang Darul Makmur. Mr. Ivan Yong and Ms. Alina Zainal Abidin from Student Affairs Department scoped the project - and with the help of our GAs set out to help the school. As a community-based and student-led project, one of the GAs – Clarabelle AK Lawrence was tasked with prioritising what needed to be done and what could be done in the time available. She identified that the library needed the most work, and with the project’s key themes being "Refurbish, Recalibrate and