Taylor's University continues to expand on our existing international relationships and develop new ones. Ms Angela Pok, the VP for Student Experience, recently attended the 27th European Association for Int'l Education (EAIE) conference in Glasgow (UK). This major European event brings together some 5,000+ delegates from not only right across Europe, but also from around the world. Such events offer a good opportunity to identify new international partners and to meet up with existing ones. Taylor's University already has some 86-semester exchange partners, but we are focused on increasing this to over 100 by the end of 2015. We currently have some 44-exchange students on campus from various institutions across Europe. An enhanced global network of partners will offer a wider range of opportunities to Taylor's students to study overseas as an integral part of their studies.

Ms. Angela Pok said "I had a great visit to EAIE in Glasgow, and met up with 30 potential and existing partners - mainly European universities from Germany, Denmark and Finland". After the conference, she was also able to visit the University of Dundee in Scotland given their interested in exchange and also to work with the Taylor's School of BioScience (SBS) on teaching & research collaborations. Their Dean and lecturers will be visiting Dr. Anthony and SBS and his team at the Lakeside campus in early-2016. To learn more about Global Mobility opportunities at Taylor's University click here.