Leadership Conference 2015.
Three students from Taylor’s University were selected as Malaysian delegates for an upcoming youth leadership development programme called 33Sixty. It will be held in Malta in November, 2015. The 33Sixty is a leadership programme organised in Malaysia by Common Purpose in partnership with the Commonwealth Head of Government Meeting (CHOGM). Its aimed to develop youth leaders within the Commonwealth network. Only 100 youth leaders are selected from the 53-countries that make up the Commonwealth. Three Taylorians will be representing Malaysia as delegates to the programme. Elisabeth Chen, Melanie Yong, and Lum Kit May are ecstatic that they were chosen. “We were asked to write in and share about our involvement in leadership activities, and also how we have been giving back to the Taylor’s Community, and then we were called in for an interview to further elaborate our purpose for applying for the programme,” explained Elisabeth when asked how they were chosen. The 33Sixty Programme is recognized in the SHINE Award Programme as an Experiential Opportunity under Learning Package 4: Global Engagement. After their involvement in the programme, these participants will also bring their learning back to the local community by hosting a forum on campus. For the full story, click here, and to learn more about the unique SHINE Award at Taylor's University click here.